- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Prošnja (razvoj)
- Category SShop
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System Windows 8.1
- Severity Critical
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 3.6.8
- Due in Version Undecided
Due Date
- Vidko (04.01.2017)
- Private
Attached to Project: Simple Shop
Opened by RobertSShop - 13.01.2016
Last edited by root - 29.04.2019
Opened by RobertSShop - 13.01.2016
Last edited by root - 29.04.2019
FS#16 - Dobavnica - storno dobavnice
Ni možnosti izbrisa dobavnice (ravno kreirane).
ID | Project | Summary | Priority | Severity | Assigned To | Progress | |
314 | Simple Shop | Very Low | Critical |
Closed by root
29.04.2019 05:55
Reason for closing: Izvedeno
Additional comments about closing: v5.9.9.147
29.04.2019 05:55
Reason for closing: Izvedeno
Additional comments about closing: v5.9.9.147
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