Employees list

Using ›› Employees ››
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Employee input field is used to add / remove employees of the company, determining the level of user passwords, etc..

Image is for information purposes only and may vary depending on the user experience.

List of employees used in the issuance of individual accounts. This reflects the activity of an individual employee, etc.


Image is for information purposes only and may vary depending on the user experience.

ID - AutoNumber

Name - Name of employee

Last Name - Last Name of employee

Address - Address employee

Password - The password when logging on to the program

Group - The group consists of three different levels, setting user rights

Administrator (all rights)

Advanced User (imput of an account, Products, Customers, Accounts, Employees, Accessories, Calculator, Help, Exit)

User (register an account, customers, employees, Accessories, Calculator, Help, Exit)

Turn on user requests and the use of passwords turned on in Tools - Settings - System

CAUTION: At least one user must have administrator (Administrator) rights.

When I turn on security features user's password is entered a mandatory parameter.

Image is for information purposes only and may vary depending on the user experience.

Image is for information purposes only and may vary depending on the user experience.

Opozorilo! List of employees is essential to review accounting activities. If the invoice was issued to the employee ID is not only not deleted from the database. Deleting is possible only through the trust environment. Name and surname of the employee is shown on the invoice.